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Service Issue - Managed Databases


Jun 16, 01:56 UTC
Update - Our administrators were able to mitigate the issue affecting the messaging infrastructure used by our Managed Databases service. They are checking on all clusters which triggered alerts in order to determine their authoritative status.

Please open a ticket with our Support team or give us a call (U.S. 855-454-6633; Global +1-609-380-7100) if you are encountering any performance issues with your Managed Database cluster at this time.

Jun 16, 00:44 UTC
Identified - Our administrators have identified issues with the infrastructure directly tied to alerting for our Managed Databases service. While this incident is ongoing, you may encounter connectivity issues with your cluster as well as backup failures until a fix has been implemented.

Our teams are continuing to work on this incident. Please open a ticket with our Support team or give us a call (U.S. 855-454-6633; Global +1-609-380-7100) if you are encountering any performance issues with your Managed Database cluster at this time.

Jun 15, 23:46 UTC
Investigating - Our team is investigating a service issue affecting the Managed Databases service. During this time, users may experience issues when attempting to use these systems.

We will share additional updates as we have more information.

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