Connectivity Issue - Hosted DNS Service


Aug 24, 11:36 UTC
Monitoring - Our team has taken steps to mitigate the issue impacting our Hosted DNS Service. We have not observed additional issues with the service and will continue to monitor the situation and update this page as necessary. If you are still having issues with the Hosted DNS service please open a Support ticket for assistance.

Aug 24, 10:29 UTC
Identified - Our team has identified the issue affecting our Hosted DNS Service. We are working quickly to implement a solution, and we will provide an update as soon as the solution is in place.

During this time customers may continue to experience increased rates of errors or records not resolving as expected. We will update this page with more information as we continue working to resolve this issue.

Aug 24, 09:35 UTC
Investigating - Our team is investigating an issue affecting our Hosted DNS Service. During this time, users may experience an elevated rate of errors, including records not updating or resolving as expected. We will share additional updates as we have more information.

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