Service Issue - Object Storage (ORD2)


Feb 15, 15:06 UTC
Resolved - The situation involving Object Storage in our Chicago (ORD) location continues to be internal-only, and no customer impact has been seen. We are resolving this alert in response. Please open a Support ticket from the Linode Cloud Manager if you require assistance from our team.

Feb 15, 12:40 UTC
Monitoring - The issue encountered for Object Storage in our Chicago location has been determined to be internal-only and is not expected to impact customers. We will monitor for any developments to the contrary for a period of time to ensure this remains true. If you experience any issues with this service and require immediate assistance, please open a Support ticket from the Linode Cloud Manager.

Feb 15, 12:18 UTC
Investigating - Our team is investigating an issue affecting the Object Storage service in our Chicago data center. During this time, users may experience connection timeouts and errors with this service.

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